Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

IEEE delivers access to the industry's most essential technical information, networking opportunities, career development tools, and many other exclusive benefits to its members.

Through memberships in different societies, you can keep current in your chosen technology profession, connect with peers, and invest in your career advancement.



IEEE TV is an award winning, internet based television network, made possible by the members of IEEE. produces and delivers special-interest programming about technology and engineering for the benefit of IEEE's members and the general public. It can be launched from this page, and is also accessible for members via myIEEE, the members-only portal. The Web site provides many features free of charge to the general public. Select features, as labeled below, are provided as a benefit of IEEE membership.



IEEE Spectrum

IEEE Spectrum is the flagship magazine and website of the IEEE, the world’s largest professional organization devoted to engineering and the applied sciences. Our charter is to keep over 400,000 members informed about major trends and developments in technology, engineering, and science. Our blogs, podcasts, news and features stories, videos and interactive infographics engage our visitors with clear explanations about emerging concepts and developments with details they can’t get elsewhere.



IEEE Potentials Magazine

IEEE Potentials Magazine is the publication dedicated to undergraduate and graduate students and young professionals. Potentials explores career strategies, the latest in research, and important technical developments. Through its articles, it also relates theories to practical applications, highlights technology’s global impact, and generates international forums that foster the sharing of diverse ideas about the profession.



IEEE ResumeLab

IEEE ResumeLab is an online service that allows IEEE members to develop a resume or curriculum vitae using a wide array of resume templates. Members can also perform mock interviews using over 900 potential interview questions or develop letters, portfolios, and skills assessments to use during the interview process. Best of all, the information developed on IEEE ResumeLab is easily shared with potential employers, mentors, or colleagues via a personalized website.



IEEE conferences

IEEE organizes many conferences do offer programs for students. Check with the conference organizers for IEEE-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences by using the Conference search at or check with the Society sponsoring the conference.



Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships

IEEE offers a variety of scholarships, grants, and fellowships for IEEE Student members. Submit a project or paper for consideration and have the opportunity to win and gain peer recognition for your effort. Terms and conditions may apply.



IEEE Competitions

IEEE Offers a lot of technical and non-technical competitions that can help students to improve their skills and gain a lot of experience in addition to many valuable prizes.




Studies proved that volunteering in the undergraduate level can help students to improve a their skills and personalities , and what’s better than volunteering in the largest professional organization devoted to engineering and the applied sciences in the world!


Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology

Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan 21163


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