- د. أمين الجراح, د.محمد الجراح و د.عبدالكريم التميمي
- بتمويل من جامعة اليرموك
- 9900 دينار اردني
Our goal in this work is to bridge the gap between the Signal/Medical processing research and computer technology research. Then, we will develop efficient parallelizable methods in terms of latency, hardware usage, power consumption, cost, and reliability for many medical applications on high performance computing platforms such as FPGA, GPU, and Multi-core.
These parallelizable innovations will predict the data path and the control unit of the application processes. Also, the application will be examine into numerical algorithms approaches to provide a transition from the research theory to the practice. This will focus on computationally analysis, error analysis, resources analysis, and any adaptable feature that can be exploited from the developed parallelizable processes.
Additionally, these applications will be moved higher ordering through implementing interfaces. This can make it adaptable by specifying all the input parameters of a certain application and fast prototyping through different performance evaluations. Also, our research will focus on incorporating different innovative optimizations to make our design scalable for parallel architecture platforms.
Lastly, we will also develop a very small efficient architecture which can be injected into different places of the human body with the cooperation with some specialists in the medical college.